It takes a bit of patience, but the result makes up for the effort: Homemade Spätzli are a culinary and eye candy.
mix flour, salt and milk water in a bowl
Tap eggs, pour all at once, mix with a trowel and beat until the dough shines and bubbles.
Cover the dough at room temperature for approx. 30 minutes
boil Salt water
Spread the dough in portions on a wet board. Using a long, smooth knife, cut thin strips of dough directly from the board into lightly boiling water or spread through the spaetzle sieve.
I am an amateur chef and expat. Thank to my work i had the opportunity to travel a lot an work in different countries. Born in Switzerland, son of a German and living in Costa Rica. My biggest cooking Idol is my Grandma and my mom who though me to cook when i was a Teenager.
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