Papet vaudois – Leek, potatoes and sausage in harmony.

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  • 4-6Servings
  • 10 mPrep Time
  • 40 mCook Time
  • 50 mReady In
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One of my favorite traditional swiss dishes is Papet Vaudois , which comes from Lake Geneva Region, the canton of Vaud in Switzerland.

Papet means as much as mash – for traditionally, this delicious hotpot made from leek and potatoes has to be cooked long enough to create a thickened base upon which the fat Saucisson vaudois, a sausage stuffed with pork and beef meat, may settle comfortably on top.

Tip: Alternatively, If you can’t get the Vaud sausage, you can use any large uncooked, smoked boiling sausage.


Step by step method

  • Trim, wash and slice the leeks in 4cm (1inch) long slices.

  • fry slightly the onions in the butter, add the leek, season with pepper and salt

  • Add the white wine and the stock and simmer for about 10 minutes more or until barely cooked

  • add the diced potatoes and continue cooking for additional 10 minutes

  • Prick the sausage with a fork and sit it on top of the vegetables. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes

  • Take out the out the sausage and stir the cream into the vegetable and cook for 1-2 minutes

  • Slice the sausage and place them on top of the vegetables, serve the dish

Chef Info


Head Chef

I am an amateur chef and expat. Thank to my work i had the opportunity to travel a lot an work in different countries. Born in Switzerland, son of a German and living in Costa Rica. My biggest cooking Idol is my Grandma and my mom who though me to cook when i was a Teenager.

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